A short article outlining the importance of understanding the individual, their core values, motivations, environment and purpose when coaching them through a career change.
News & Views
Hospitality Resilience Series – Session 3
Our guest speaker, Claudia Roth provides insight, understanding and practical advice on how to live a more intentioned life.
Hospitality Resilience Series Session 2
A recording of the fascinating discussion with Rhaya Jordan on the topic of the Mind Body relationship.
Food and the Mind
Natural Health expert and Nutritionist, Rhaya Jordan discusses the surprising links between our diet and our emotions.
Hospitality Resilience Series Session 1
Video presentation from the first in the Hospitality Resilience Series looking at building resilience and inner immunity for the modern leader.
Changing the Language of Leadership
The recent pandemic may well prove to be the biggest catalyst for change in the workplace for a generation. How can leaders adapt to meet these and future challenges?
Leading Hospitality Through Turbulent Times
An interview with the Glion Institute, part of the Leading Hospitality Through Turbulent Times series. A discussion on the use of coaching skills in Modern Leadership.
Building Resilient Teams for Future Challenges
How do organisations build resilient teams in such a challenging environment?
Life after Lockdown
An independent report into how attitudes and behaviours have changed due to the lockdown measures imposed in the UK and the implications for our society and businesses.
Effective Communication in Times of Crisis
In the current climate we must think harder about our message and its intended audience.
How do we know when we are happy?
We are living in remarkable times. As a result, we have a unique opportunity to take a look at many aspects of our lives and ask ourselves some challenging questions.
Leadership in Crisis
At times like these, strong leadership in business has never been more important.